Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hello Pages!

We're trying some new things aroung the library this year; one of which is to get communication more coordinated among you pages.

Please note a few things:
* You'll notice, on occasion, an item to be shelved with a pink slip attached titled "AMH Material Tracking". What I need you to do when you see that is shelve the item, write down the time and date on the pink slip, and return the pink slip to Pam's desk. Thanks!

* We are tracking how many carts are in your work area 3 times a day. We're trying to establish if there is a pattern of more carts at certain times of day, week, month. Please count the carts at 8-9 a.m., noon, and around 4 p.m. and write it on the log. Thanks!

Approve your timesheet!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Happy New Year!

Hello Dear Pages,
Sorry it's been so long since I've blogged; I'm sure you're missed my exciting posts.
Thanks to our college kids who came back over break; it's been nice to have you around.

Some updates: the LAS upgrade is happening tomorrow!! I need to have a short one-on-one session with each of you, so I'll check your schedules and try to make sure to meet with each of you during the next week or two.

Related to the LAS - has anyone noticed anything strange about the missing P29 when checking in?

Gotta go for now, but check for new posts soon!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Also --

make sure you fit in the CDs next to the transits...
We're all caught up again! Now is a great time to work on shifting CDs!

Justin, Laura, John, Kim and Heidi - find your assignments on the counter under the transits. The rest of you, work on shifting cassettes.

Please report your progress (leave a note on my desk)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Merry December!

1. Approve your timecards!
2. Look over the AV Page Workflow (posted) to refresh your memory for each shift.
3. Remember to work on oldest carts first (by Jim's desk).
4. Remember to leave a note on cart indicating status of items.
5. Check the posted December calendar - adjust accordingly.
6. Take 15 minutes per shift to shelf-read (make sure everything is in order) and shift items, if necessary, in the audiocassette or CDs area.


Friday, November 7, 2008

Coupla things:
1. Please work on some CDs (find your sheet) each shift.
2. The library is closed Tues. Nov 11 for Veteran's Day.
3. Please add yourself to the Nov. page calendar, if you're not already on there.
4. When you open Internet Explorer, go under "favorites" to find "Customer Service Standards". Please fill it out once online. We are doing some training and updating and would appreciate your opinions.
Thank you!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Approve your timecard!

The CDs are becoming more of a mess. I'm going to assign each of you areas to "clean up" (put in order, and shift to make room for them all). Look for your name on a packet on the counter under the transits. The packet will give you your assigned area and a little quiz on putting CDs in order. When you are done with your packet, leave it on my desk. It'll be fun! You'll love it! Kathie B will thank you for making easier her job of locating reserve CDs!

Thanks for all you do!