Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Posted Schedule

Look at the October schedule posted outside my office and mark any adjustments on it.

Remember to APPROVE your time card after your last shift of the pay period. Next Wednesday (Oct 8) is the last day of the pay period. Approve your time after your last shift that is before that date. So, if you only work Sat and Mon, approve it the Monday before the 8th. If this is unclear, please ask me!

Make sure you are locking the rock CDs!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

and one more...

Welcome to Hollie Shumaker, starting Thursday!

Would you please do some shifting in the CD area so those rock CDs that are on the shelf in the AV area can get back in the CD area? Thanks!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Welcome to our new pages, Laura Behrenbeck and Sarah Harris. Laura worked bookdrop last year for a bit, so she knows her way around. Sarah's mom, Gail, works with volunteers upstairs. Please welcome them and help them out when they're here.

Remember to approve your timecards by Wednesday!

Monday, September 8, 2008

NEW music

The library has run out of budgeted money for now for purchasing new music. Our "new music shelf" is looking sparce, so let's just leave all music NEW for 3 more months.

Also, remember, when shelving, to put anything with a NEW sticker on the NEW shelves. (Except NEW DVDs, which should be put in the top rows of LAS "C".

Friday, September 5, 2008

Staff Lounge

The kitchen committee is wanting to refresh everyone on staff lounge use. There have been numerous incidents where the staff lounge has been left with dirty dishes and dirty tables. As a general rule, feel free to use the staff lounge to have a break, eat, and drink. Just make sure you clean up after yourself. If you want to leave food in the lounge for yourself, make sure you put a little label on it with your initials. Here is what is in our page manual:

"A staff room is provided on second floor for all employees. Follow instructions exactly as given for use of the microwave oven and other equipment, and wash and put away your own utensils. Articles in the refrigerator and freezer belong to individual staff members. Food put out on the staff room tables is for everyone. Deposit cans in the recycling barrel near the snack machine.

Please do not bring friends to the staff room. Remember to wear your name badge when you are in the staff room."