Wednesday, May 7, 2008

How to Stay Busy!

Dear Pages,
You're doing a great job of staying caught up with the new return system in place. However, nobody likes to be bored at their job. So, please don't linger over a cart, reading DVD blurbs. Here are the things you should be doing:

1) If Fiction is behind, please help them shelve.
2) Shelf-read. Take a section of books on tape or CDs and put it back in order. Shelf-reading will never be done. There is ALWAYS more to do.
3) Stand outside by the AMH and politely show people how to return library materials. It's beautiful outside - spend some of your shift out there!
4) Do the LAS. But prepare before you do it. Turn on the computer (it takes a while to boot up), put a variety of DVDs on a cart, finish the cart all at once. Make sure you are watching the scanning carefully; we have seen errors lately of DVDs not matching location codes.

Thank you!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Hi Pam,
Kim Edson was upset about the unalphabetized DVD's on the shelves, so I alphabetized all the DVD's on the shelves. Is there anyway you let others know that the DVD's on the shelf should be in order.
Thanks, Kimberly M.